Sometimes, generating new ideas for the development of a product or service is not an easy task. There are tools, such as Consumer Data Intelligence, that simplify the work of all those companies seeking excellence in their products.
Artificial intelligence applied to consumer analysis which, through active listening on social media, allows the consumer’s purchase cycle to be monitored and studied.
In this post we will see the practical case of beer, where we will show all the information that can be collected about the product, the sector and consumers.
What do social media say about beer?
To develop a product or service, it is essential to understand consumer opinion around the five dimensions of the product: quality, price, sustainability, attributes and innovation. With the help of consumer intelligence, we can get a real-time sample of what consumers’ preferences are based on their online conversations.
Let’s see how social media are talking about beer.
Reactions to beer
If we want to provide a better customer experience, it can be interesting to classify consumers’ reactions to the beer according to whether they are happy, negative, etc. This way we will know in real time how they are perceiving our product.
In this case study, we observe that happiness is the most common reaction among users with 57%, followed by anticipation and confidence with 14% in a tie. In relation to more negative reactions, we witness that the percentage is considerably lower: disgust and fear, both with only 1%.

The key phrases that have appeared most often in the conversations
With active listening on social networks, we can analyse which key phrases have appeared most often in online conversations, so that we can draw conclusions about what arouses the greatest interest among consumers.
In the case of beer, being the most mentioned word, we found that craft beer, dark beer, non-alcoholic beer and even the components of the alcoholic beverage have also been discussed.

Most used emojis
It is increasingly common to see social media users communicating through memes, stickers and emojis. In the case of beer, these are the most used emojis in consumers’ online conversations. Once again, they continue to lead the positive reactions to this drink.

How do consumers feel about beer?
Once we have identified the reactions to our product, it is interesting to use real-time sentiment analysis as an ally to maintain customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, detecting improvements at each stage. With the Consumer Insights tool, it is possible to geolocate the sentiment to focus the efforts of the strategy in one direction or another.
In Madrid, the city where there has been the most conversation about beer, positive sentiment (940), outweighs negative (220) and neutral (11). The same is true for Barcelona, where the tone of online conversations is more positive (287) than negative (41) or neutral (10).

Generating new ideas with Consumer Data Intelligence
Through the real-time analysis offered by Consumer Data Intelligence on the relationship between the consumer and our product, it is easier to promote new ideas in the development of the product.
In addition, knowing what our customers are talking about on social media can help us to identify new emerging trends in the sector, such as organic food, vegan ready meals, artisanal drinks and many more.
Responding to consumer demand ahead of the competition
By doing a competitive analysis, comparing in real time our indicators with those of our competitors, we will be able to detect unmet needs and weaknesses by analysing competitors’ activities and online conversations with users.
The fact that we know which products have the most impact and which brands are the market leaders gives us the opportunity to react proactively and to improve our product strategies. As well as anticipating consumer demand and keeping up with industry trends.
All the necessary information in real time
Consumer intelligence emerges as an extra advantage for the development processes of a product or service. Thanks to the extraction, processing and analysis in real time of the opinions obtained from social media, we can be able to make a more exhaustive study of the market. In addition, it can be useful to share all the information gathered with other departments of the company to follow up with greater precision.